Working With Us

Videre does more than just create a plan. 

We have the skills and expertise to be an integral part of your business success. How this works is up to the client, but to be most effective, it will involve a period of working alongside key stakeholders, helping them to “learn by doing”.

In our experience, the most successful businesses will identify achievable changes and implement them in a controlled manner. Time frames are defined by the resources available, and steady change is preferred over a big bang launch.

The key concept that is found in all our success stories is continual improvement.

It is also articulated in a brilliant book called The Lean Startup by Eric Ries, where the strategy to success is based on incremental improvements that are tracked, measured and acted upon.

This is explained in Quality System accreditation as the PDCA cycle

  • Plan
  • Do
  • Check
  • Act

If you do nothing else for your business, we would suggest that you check out a continual improvement strategy.

The Next Step

To engage a consultant to look under the hood of your business can be daunting.

  • Will there be a good fit culturally?
  • How will they work in a way that is productive?
  • Can they provide real value?


The only way to answer these questions is to meet and talk.

That’s why the first hour is free, and we will buy the coffee.

A chat and a few questions, either face-to-face or in a covid-friendly, online environment, is the first step to finding out how Videre can add value.

Case Studies

Coming Soon